Learn SEO now | SEObomz

"Do you want to learn SEO now? This site contains everything you need to know about SEO, very clear and brief. Don't waste your time, read on and learn SEO fast. This is your free SEO guide"

This website is build to learn you how to optimize your website to be easily found in the search engines. The first step is to choose a string of words that describes your product(a query. This website will learn you how to optimize your website for the search engines. The goal is that your site is ranked first when your chosen query is entered. This proces is called SEO or search engine optimization. And I want to teach you how to do it. Now.

There are two important parts in SEO. If you know these two, you know about 90 percent of what there is to know about search engine optimization. Those two parts are onsite optimization (the things you can do on your site to get your website ranked high for the wanted keywords) and offsite optimization (the things you can do outside of your site). You’ll learn the other 10 percent through experience.

Onsite optimization:

Offsite optimization:

You can learn about each of these subjects by clicking on them. Questions can be posted on every page. Remember that putting the things you learn into practice is the most important step.

Good luck!